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fuckyeah bonjovi

Photobucket Siewhui ♥
I'm 19 this year.
This space is for my ramblings and daily life updates.



September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Sunday, November 29, 2009 - 11/29/2009

he's forever cute hehe see above his face when i scolding him
thanks to hari raya haji which falls on friday..
i get to meet hidir 3 days in a row hehe.
love spending time tgt,just the 2 of us having fun :D
miss u sey syg,hate NS uh . friday faster come.
love uu love uu muhd hidir love uu love uu.
tmr is monday. monday is sch. sch is boring. sucks uh.
actually i dun hate sch i jus hate waking up early. bt heck .
every monday is mahjong night with cousins & sis. YAY! :D

Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - 11/24/2009

nilam darling !
dahlia, siew, nilam ! :D

Sunday, November 22, 2009 - 11/22/2009

thanks everyone for my bday wishes (:
my birthday this year super super happy :D
bday kiss frm zinnia & thank for e wishes girls! joan celebrated my bday & brought me to fish & co (:(:
she even brought me my fav prima deli choc cake <3
after tt we watched the movie paranormal activity.
tis movie scare e hell out of us seriously we dun dare to go hm!
she stayed over my hse. we seem to hav non stop tins to tok abt.
we laughed & laughed e whole day :D:D
thank you girl, love you!
hidir gave me a big surprise, really touching .
we met over at east coast chalet on friday,e one he booked for me(:
he blindfolded me with a hankerchief .
my fav awfully choc cake! <3
a card he made..
make a wish..
blow the candles..
how sweet can he be..he cooked spaghetti for me!!! tomato mushroom & prawns.
he set up e whole table with candles,glasses,table mat,utensils,tissue
& our photo frame(:(: totally din expect all this.
he bought me another necklace (:(:
i broke e one he gave me when we first got together ):
and tis super sweet pillow.. i'll hug it every night syg!
hungry again! pizzahut delivery ~~~~ shiok!
check out of chalet at 11.30am.
time for more fun baby!
otw to ehub!
sushi sushi sushi and kfc kfc kfc.
watched 2012, alright lah .
after tt 10 games of bowling. yes 10. siao rite yes we know.
& now we hate bowling.. hahahahhahahaha .
saw filwan,mulyaziq,munir & my cousin jackie on tt day.
so coincidence lor.
i know ns tires u out & u still meet me straight everytime u book out,
thank you for everything. everything everything.
i love you sweetheart. more than words (':

Sunday, November 15, 2009 - 11/15/2009

I think America make good shows.
america next top model,hell kitchen,amazing race,survivor,
i was bitten,forensic science etc. keep me watching nonstop everytime
check out 'sara & jesus krump' on so you think you can dance at youtube,
ohya i jus finished watching 'last one standing' hongkong drama,best!
went to east coast with hidir cos he booking a chalet for me on friday.
damn eastcoast chalet is so expensive,if only downtown stil available.
thank you sayang,u're e best (: im so looking forward.
we slack under my void deck with my laptop til 3am & hidir ride his bicycle hm.
syg the song playing is a old songgbt it totally tells how i feel abt you.
sometimes i really feel lik asking u,why u treat me so good?????
i dun c any bf treat their gf this way..really..
of cos im more than happy to find someone lik u,bt i feel very useless.
everytime go out u pay money,its nt as if im ur wife tau..
i dun mean tt way,i jus feel very thankful..i love u sia..
happy 28th monthsary last night (:

Friday, November 13, 2009 - 11/13/2009

so fat now! :D dad! :D:D
zinnia & hudaaaaaaaaa! :D

i wish next year we three still in e same class.

pls bear with my camwhoring hahahahha .


Monday, November 9, 2009 - 11/09/2009

It's really a great feeling when that person has every effort to let you feel what he feels for you. Because of the distractions, you may not hear him shout it to the world, but as long as you feel it, his efforts has paid off, big time. & when you feel the same way too.. He'd feel as if he's the luckiest person alive.
... when in fact, you're more blessed to have him.

I wana say a big thank you to u syg. It's not as if we're only tgt for e first few months,bt we're gg 3 years & yet u stil mk me feel so special. U're everything tt i wish for. Just by looking at e sweet album u did for me during our first yr anni,e cards u made,e letters u wrote,e teddy bears u gave me,e bouquets of flowers,e box of chocolates,the necklace & anklet,e ring u gave me. & i rem e times u stand up for me cos of some stupid morons.. the places u bring me to.. so much more tt i couldnt summarise dem all here. Other ppl may not stand on our side but we know time will prove.. I jus tink that i should let u know tt i appreciate n am glad i met u..
I'd really like to keep you forever ..

Sunday, November 8, 2009 - 11/08/2009

Friday 6th Nov Khoyuting Bday Celebration
at Fish & Co

hope you enjoyed ur day & stay happy my daughter (: me, ting, joan
clockwise : me, jiexin, vivian, ting, liyue, xuejun
me & my pri sch very close best fren weena (:
poker at xuejun hse
More Pics In Joan Camera, will upload soon(:


every sat is the same but the best day of my every week(:(:
dad place & den meeting hidir(:
5 games of bowling,arcade,burgerking,ton,reached hm 7am.
thanks for everything u do for me & always giving me e best.u mk me look forward to every weekend cos without fail,the time spend with u is always so happy & fun.syg,i btl btl sygkan u.

missing u..